
IIFA 'Bollywood' wallpaper

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IIFA 'Bollywood' wallpaper

A few nice celebrity videos images I found:

IIFA 'Bollywood' wallpaper celebrity videos
Image by net_efekt Designed some wallpaper, for those who like this image so much. www.oxfam.org.uk/oxfam_in_action/impact/video/index.html?... Be a star for Oxfam is part of the promotion materials I designed for the International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) awards 2007 that were held in Yorkshire, UK, and where Oxfam was one of IIFAĆ¢€™s official charity partners this year. Part of a suite of materials, including posters, leaflets, banners etc: Photo credits for the original of this loveley image go to flickr's Mr Velvet Ear! Watch Bachchan with Oxfam on youtube: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jA8LH4gLcW8

Video of view from Taormina, Sicily celebrity videos
Image by JP Newell This was the view from our table in a Taormina Cafe.
